I AM series for the Kosmic Emergence of your Soul – November 2014

iAM Series Webinar November 2014

Kosmic Fusion® brings to you Power-FULL & Experiential Meditation evenings. If you are just a Spiritual Explorer, Seeker, Advanced Spiritual Healer or Energy Sensitive/Insensitive person or just want to experience the magic of Spiritual energies – then This is IT! Come, Enjoy & Celebrate these 2 days i.e. 22nd and 23rd November 2014.

I AM series for the Kosmic Emergence of your Soul
~Aligning with Self, Source, and Divinity ~

iAM Series Webinar November 2014

A powerful series of Initiations ∞ Activations ∞Transmissions dialled in straight by the TwinRay Couple the Guardian of the Source-Zero-Point. Their vibrational presence will re-connect your Soul back to the Zero-Point-Void–Absolute-God Spark; it is the access point to where all is possible. The point of Shift. We invite you to join one or more of these powerful Ceremonies that will all take place via Online Interactive Video Conference.

Meditation 1: Finding Your Zero-Point to Activate Your Greater Vibrational Potential
This infusion of the Radiant Scalar energy will help you to re-script and reformat the Body and Subtle bodies to tap into the Infinite Field of Intelligence at the cellular / sub-atomic level. They will teach you how to truly rest into the ‘Zero Point’ and unleash the Self’s life-force for limitless energy. Energy Exchange $33

Workshop Timings

Location Local time Time zone
Auckland (New Zealand) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 3 p.m. NZDT
Sydney (Australia) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 1 p.m. AEST
Singapore (Singapore) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 10 a.m. SGT
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 6 a.m. GMT
London (United Kingdom) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 2 a.m. GMT
Amsterdam (Netherlands) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 3 a.m. CET
San Jose (U.S.A.) Friday, 21 November 2014 at 6 p.m. PST



Meditation 2:Sacred Merger of the Divine Feminine and Masculine into an Avatar
The Twin Ray couple are a superconductor of the Quantum Vortex, they will accelerate by aligning you to your Multidimensional Self, and The Quantum Vibrational re-set will help you break free of your old stories, your unwillingness to forgive, past heartaches, assimilate old wounds, unforgivable hurts, and past notions of what love is or should be stemming from a lower vibrational frequency of your masculine and feminine aspects. The Vortex will spin you faster than the speed of light and connect you to your Avatar Self; the Singular Consciousness which is far more refined than operating from gender based dramas. Energy Exchange $33

Workshop Timings

Location Local time Time zone
Auckland (New Zealand) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 3 p.m. NZDT
Sydney (Australia) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 1 p.m. AEST
Singapore (Singapore) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 10 a.m. SGT
Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 6 a.m. GMT
London (United Kingdom) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 2 a.m. GMT
Amsterdam (Netherlands) Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 3 a.m. CET
San Jose (U.S.A.) Saturday, 22 November 2014 at 6 p.m. PST

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