I AM series – Sacred Merger of the Divine Feminine and Masculine into an Avatar – Auckland, New Zealand September 2014

Sacred Merger of the Divine Feminine and Masculine into an Avatar

Ever wondered who you truly are and what you are here for? 

We are offering a two-part series of some powerful Meditations and Activations for you to experience being touched by deeply loving Source Energy (Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse Energy). This allows you to open up to the inherent connection you have with Source and to experience profound healing on multiple dimensions.

Sacred Merger of the Divine Feminine and Masculine into an Avatar

Accelerate your transformation by aligning to your Multidimensional Self. The Quantum Vibrational Re-set will help you break free of density you are holding from your old stories, past heartaches, and beliefs stemming from a lower vibrational frequency of your masculine and feminine aspects.

The Vortex will spin you faster than the speed of light and connect you to your Avatar Self; the Singular Consciousness, which is far more refined than operating from gender based drama.

Energy Exchange: $33
Date: 28 September 2014, 2pm – 4pm [Sunday]
Venue: 55 West End Road, Herne Bay. Auckland. NZ.
To Register, please email: info[@]KosmicFusion.com